frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Here is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs). If you have any further or other question, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

What can you help us with?

We can help you with almost anything regarding possibilities for public grants and support. All the way from looking at your project and mapping the different possibilities to assisting in project design, writing applications, communicating with the different support organizations. When the project is approved, we can also assists in project administration and management. All depending on your situation and need.

Is it difficult?

For the period 2014-2020, the EU Commission has introduced many new rules meant to simplify the applications for the applicant. We know all the rules and with our experience, we can make the process very simple and effective for your with minimal administrative work.

How long does it take to receive the grants and support?

This depends on the type of application, usually it takes 3-6 months. For larger EU projects, the EU commissions has a goal of 100 days from the application deadline to project start. There are multiple programs that are open all year around with multiple cut-off dates a year.

Do you need partners in other countries?

No, there are support programs where this is not necessary. For Nordic and national supports, this is often not necessary. For the larger EU programs, there is usually a requirement for a minimum of 3 partners in 3 different countries. Customers and suppliers can be partners but not companies within the same corporate group.

What is the best way to start?

The best way to start is to contact us for an Opportunity Mapping. Sometimes it can also be beneficial to combine this with 1- or 2-days seminar at your office about the various grant and support systems both nationally and in EU. We work with many different companies that all have different situations and need so we are very flexible.

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